Every festival brings us the fond hope that good will eventually win over evil.
Wishing you all and all yours, a very happy and purifying Dasara Festival!
May Godess Durga give us all strength to wade away from all durgathis,
dukhas, durmargas, dushtas, and dusthithis.
Meaning: Our oblations to the all knowing, the one who can destroy
all those who do not like us, May that divine fire lead us out of all perils,
Like a captain takes the ship across the sea (Sindhum),
And also save us from all wrongs. [From the Internet]
[Destruction above may mean to convert them into people who like us -
does not necessarily imply any violence]
Hinduism teaches to see and revere God in masculine, feminine, animal, and all living forms as well. Vishnu Pendyala
सा न पर्शदाथी दुर्गानी विश्वा नावेव सिन्धुम दुरिथाथ्यग्नी" [From दुर्गा सूक्तं ]