Sunday, August 19, 2012

Investing Irresponsibly is a Sin

I'm sure your first reaction would be: why will anyone spend hard-earned money irresponsibly? Think again. Who were the investors into the recent rave parties in India? Using "My son", "My sister", "My caste" as the only criterion to give money is hardly exercising responsibility. Consequences must be thoroughly thought out before investing. The investment could ruin a life, a family, or an entire social fabric. Abetting is often not punished enough. But in cases such as this, most or all of the fault lies with the investors and they are not even touched by the law. When a sin goes unpunished in a court of law, inheritance, like in Object Oriented Programming sets in and will be punished in the court of God. Hopefully, perpetrators will realize by then.

In a sense, the law regarding child support is flawed in this respect. It requires the non-custodial parent to pay significant support amount, but does not give any responsibility on how the money is used. Freedom away from the responsibilities of marriage is, IMHO, indeed taking its toll on future generations. Hope the world will realize the impact sooner or later.

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