Friday, October 7, 2011

Dasara Greetings

Every festival brings us the fond hope that good will eventually win over evil.
Wishing you all and all yours, a very happy and purifying Dasara Festival!
May Godess Durga give us all strength to wade away from all durgathis,
dukhas, durmargas, dushtas, and dusthithis.
"जातवेदसे  सुनावामा  सोमा  मरती यतो निधाहधि  वेदः ,
सा  न  पर्शदाथी दुर्गानी विश्वा नावेव  सिन्धुम  दुरिथाथ्यग्नी"  [From  दुर्गा सूक्तं ]
Meaning: Our oblations to the all knowing, the one who can destroy
all those who do not like us, May that divine fire lead us out of all perils,
Like a captain takes the ship across the sea (Sindhum),
And also save us from all wrongs. [From the Internet]
[Destruction above may mean to convert them into people who like us -
does not necessarily imply any violence]
Hinduism teaches to see and revere  God in masculine, feminine, animal, and all living forms as well. Vishnu Pendyala

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