Monday, March 7, 2011

Path of Least Resistance

My observation that i posted on social networking sites: "Choosing a path of least resistance is critical to leading a peaceful life," seems to have caught quite some attention. First, a friend pointed out that someone already wrote a book on the topic. So, i checked and found this:
It's got some positive reviews. Good, my thought process was quite along the lines.

Then another friend actually called me and quite correctly pointed out that to many, particularly youngsters, the path of least resistance is where their mind takes them - often to the weakest moments. So, i thought i should clarify here. The easy route that the mind often takes is by no means the path of least resistance. In fact, it is the path of most resistance in the long run. Short term pleasures and shortcuts certainly lead to a lot of resistance from everyone and everything, including the nature, the body, the conscience.

The path of least resistance is like the KISS (Keep it Simple, S...) concept: Do not unnecessarily complicate matters. Be contented. Live within one's means. Shed the unnecessary baggage called ego. Talk in simple terms. Stay unattached, and so on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with your another friends views.In practice many people follow the path of least resistance.Path of least resistance does not follow a committed rout.It keeps changing with time and the incident.I think if we follow this path we may have to loose our integrity.our path will be uncharted and may be unpredictable. I did not follow the path of least resistance.