Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pillars of Democracy

These days, it does not seem to be a question of who is culprit, who is victim, what is right, what is not and not even what is law and what is not. All that seems to matter is what is convenient to the government, who can put / yield to pressure, what is politically correct and such. Commoner has no where to go if the entities such as media and judiciary who are expected to check the executive wing of the government collude with it, instead. An opportunity then, is to form stronger networks of trusted friends and come to each other's rescue, raising a voice when needed.

"How strange that a culprit can walk away, but the victim is doubted, questioned, harassed and expected to prove his innocence!" "Corrupt officials are not condemned and the society’s silence implies it is fine with them." FYI...

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