Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Complement and complaint both start with compl and end with nt. It is the letters in between that convey a sea change. All people are mostly similar and take birth and die the same way. It is the days in between that make all the difference. - Vishnu Pendyala

Friday, October 16, 2009

States of Mind

The state of mind that seeks sensuous pleasures is quite different from
the mind-state that seeks scholarly, austere and spiritual pursuits and
pleasures. The latter state results in longer lasting happiness, is less
strenuous and more soul-satisfying. Unless practiced and realized often,
the body reflexes don't always fall in line, however. Vishnu Pendyala

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Preserving the Purity of Soul

The body eventually merges with the five elements that it came from.
The soul too eventually merges with the divine that it came from, but
only if it retains its purity and does not get mixed-up with the body
that it houses. Body is intrinsically impure, so its physical nature
does not change, but pure soul is extremely vulnerable to impurities.